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姚生轩, 1956年出生于中国甘肃一个书香世家,自幼随父习练书法,四十余年,临池不辍。现为世界书画艺术家协会二级书法师,中国书画家协会会员,中国楚天书画艺术研究院院士,欧阳询书法研究会会员,东昌书画院、丽州书画院、华夏书画精品展示馆高级书画师兼评审委员,现任甘肃庆阳书法家协会理事,2005年参加中国中央电视台杏花村书法大赛中获奖,被授予“全国百杰书法家”称号。 执着不已的追求和与生俱来的灵感,使姚生轩的书法艺术逐渐形成了自己的风格,用笔刚柔相济、书法严谨多变,以篆、行、草、篆隶等多种书体见长,其书法作品风格“新”、“奇”、“特”。自创“貉尾篆”、“剪刀篆”、“百龙图”、“千福图”、“万寿图”与一笔成“龙”、“虎”“梅”等字,高度浓缩了中华文化,独具魅力,令人回味。 与众不同的书法风格,使姚生轩的书法作品深受广大书画爱好者及收藏家的好评与青睐,他的作品多次参加国内外书画展览并获奖,同时被国内外多家艺术机构和个人收藏。其书法作品30多次在国内外书法大赛中荣获一、二、三等奖、银奖等,并入编《世界书画家大辞典》、《当代艺术界名人大辞典》等辞书大典,作品被选送至澳大利亚、马来新亚、新加坡、日本等地展出并收藏。《中国书画报》、《中国书画收藏》、《收藏》等多种报刊上均有专题报道。个人书法出版有《姚生轩书法选》。 Yao Shengxuan was born into a scholarly family in Gansu,a city of China on 1956, he was practicing calligraphy since childhood with his father for 40 years, He is also the second book Master of The World Calligraphy Artists Association and the member of Chinese Calligraphers Association and the Academician of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Institute Chutian and the member of The Ouyang Xun Calligraphy Society, Fairmont Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Korea State Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition Hall High Quality Teachers and adjudicators painting, 0calligraphy Painters Association is currently in Qingyang, Gansu Vice painting,China Central Television in 2005 to participate in Heng Fa Chuen calligraphy contest winners, was awarded the "National 100 outstanding calligraphers" title. Endless and the inherent persistent pursuit of inspiration, so Yao Shengxuan art of calligraphy has gradually formed its own style, Pen hardness and softness, calligraphy rigorous changing to a variety of seal script, lines, grass, Zhuanli body known for such books, The calligraphy style of the "new", "strange" or "special." Own "branded end seal", "scissors seal", "100 Lung", "1000 fu plans," "Wanshou map" and become a "dragon", "tiger", "Mei" and other words, highly enriched Chinese culture , unique charm, and memorable. Yao Shengxuan’s paintings are favored by the majority of fans and collectors with his special calligraphic style, his works have been painting and calligraphy exhibitions at home and abroad and also collectted by mang arts organizations and individuals at home and abroad . The calligraphy calligraphy competition has 30 times won the first, second and third prize, silver, etc. at home and abroad, into the series "World Dictionary of Painter", "Dictionary of Contemporary art celebrities" and other dictionaries ceremony, work was election sent to Australia, Malaysia, New Asia, Singapore, Japan, exhibited and collected. "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy News", "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Collection", "collection" and many other newspapers and magazines have special reports. Personal Calligraphy publications include "Yao Shengxuan calligraphy election." 1995.9“庆阳杯”全国书画艺术大赛入展 1995.9作品入选《中国书画家作品精选》一书并获二等奖 1995.8庆祝中华全国总工会成立七十周年书法大赛荣获一等奖,作品被邓小平故居收藏 1995.11作品入选《当代书画家精品集》 1995.12作品入选《情系国魂中华炎黄书画精品大成》 1995.12首届“冼书泉”书法大赛荣获三等奖,作品入编《今古墨缘书法颉英》一书 1996.1“宜春杯”全国书法大赛荣获二等奖 1996.3“向孔繁森同志学习”全国书画作品大展赛荣获精品奖,作品入编《向孔繁森同志学习书画精品选》 1996.4全国书画艺术大奖赛荣获成年组一等奖 1996.5作品入选《国际书画篆刻大观第二卷:(当今彩墨集)》 1996.5作品入选《中外书画家简明辞典》 1996.11首届“三龙杯”全国书画大奖赛被确定为5段艺术段位并荣获成年组精品奖 1996.11“青春杯”全国书画大赛荣获青年组书法一等奖并授予6段段位 1996.11全国首届“环保杯”文学美术书法大赛三等奖 1996.12作品入编《中国当代文艺界人名大辞典》 1996.12作品被雷锋纪念馆收藏 1997.2作品入编《世界书画铭録》第A卷第617页中,经书画家艺术等级认定为二级书法师,作品润格每平方英尺200美元 1997.2书法荣获第五届国际书画作品展银奖 1997.3作品入选《中华万岁书画金石家大辞典》第二卷 1997.4“迎香港回归”中国书画大展赛荣获铜奖,作品入编《迎香港回归中国书画集》 1997.4“鸿运杯”中国书画大赛中青组一等奖,作品由浙江鸿运书画院收藏 1997.4“富士山杯”海内外书画大赛二等奖 1997.4“都杯”全国书画艺术大展荣获二等奖 2012.8作品入选甘肃省首届农民书画展 2013.6作品入选《甘肃当代书画艺术典库》第三卷第247页
